A psychographic tarot and oracle card reading for anyone who needs it. Use the parts that resonate with you and leave the rest. Individual psychographic readings are available to purchase on my website. This reading utilises the following cards; King of Swords, Eight of Swords, Justice, and Poison. The following are the key words; Justice, Balance, Choice, Toxic, Poison, Intellect, Intelligence, Entrapment, Self- imposed, Success.
Success has come at a cost, a hollow victory, you leave a trail of destruction in your wake.
You could escape if you wanted to, it will take strength and courage.
There are two sides to this predicament, but one will always outweigh the other.
Small steps are what is needed to break free, have patience and strategy
Plan your attack carefully and cautiously, do not rush and trip up.
Even the smartest person can make errors of judgement, it’s ok to learn
It is not weakness to admit you were wrong. It is poisonous to persevere.
Do not succumb to toxic thought patterns, remember humility.
Head is not always better than heart
This battle has been caused by a toxic environment, maybe it is time to leave.